Once Human: How to Build Stardust Resonant Filter? — Territory Purification Guide [August 2024]

Blogs Team Editor

Once Human is all about building your own territory from scratch and constantly upgrading it to meet your increasing demands. Over time, you will start to uncover the main plot behind the zombies and discover the secrets of Stardust. While most of the game is straightforward, you will encounter one specific task, "Purify your Territory," and go crazy about it.

The main issue here is that the game doesn't really tell you anything about this mechanism in the tutorial section. Furthermore, none of the Memetics Cradle blueprints have the word Purification in them. Adding to the troubles, you now have a Wish Machine that requires Starchroms to operate, but you can't find them either. If you have been feeling overwhelmed by all these challenges, don't worry, you are not alone. Therefore, in this article, we will cover how to build the Stardust Resonant Filter in Once Human, how to use it, and why it is important for purifying your territory, let's get started:

Table Contents

How to Purify Your Territory in Once Human?

You will get the "Purify Your Territory" task around character level 20 right after you unlock and build the Wish Machine in your base. While interacting with this divine arcade, you might feel short of the much-needed Starchroms but can't seem to find them anywhere. Well, this new task is there to help you with that endeavor and a little extra on the side. First of all, you must build a Stardust Resonant Filter in your base, here's how:

How to Build Stardust Resonant Filter?


As mentioned earlier, you will need the Resonant Filter to start purifying your base. Simply open the Memetics Cradle, hover to the Facilities tab, and select Function Facilities. Here, you must unlock the blueprints for Stardust Resonant Filter from the list. Next, you will need the following ingredients to build one:

Fortunately, most of them are common ingredients that you can either harvest yourself or loot from crates and dead enemies. In case you need some help with Acid, we have covered a whole article on how to get it. Finally, open the build menu, select the Stardust Resonant Filter, and place it anywhere you like within your territory.

Resonant Filter Placement


While you can place the Stardust Resonant Filter anywhere in your territory, its location is extremely important to complete the Territory Purification task. Basically, hordes of enemies and elites will attack your base during the process, particularly the Stardust Resonant Filter. 

Therefore, it is extremely important to place it away from your base core and properly fortify it with sandbags, turrets, walls, and whatnot. In other words, you must build a separate sub-base within your territory just to defend the Resonant Filter. Otherwise, the enemies and elites will tear your base apart while searching for the source of Purification.

Collect the Eclipse Cortex Stones

Collect Cortex

With your Stardust Resonant Filter in place, it is time to set up defenses, restock your ammunition, deploy your Combat Deviants, and start the Territory Purification. For this purpose, you will need the Eclipse Cortex Stones ranging from level 1 to 3. Better stones yield more Starchroms as rewards, but they will also spawn higher-level enemies and elites during the process. If you don't have any of these stones yet, you can simply get them by completing dungeons, Public Crisis Events, and Warband Activities. 

Currently, there are three levels of Cortex Stones in the PVE server, and the PVP servers offer one additional Echo Stone. Unlike the AI Zombies from Cortex Stones, the Echo Stone will trigger the Chaos Mode, in which you must survive against the zombies as well as other Chaotic players. Lastly, you can use the Synthesis Bench to combine lower-level Eclipse Cortex Stones to get higher level ones (2x level 1 gives 1x level 2).

Here are the details for all three Cortex Stone levels and their enemies:

Eclipse Cortex Stone Level

Monster Level

Monster Waves

No. of Elite Enemies













Start the Purification


Now that you have everything in place, it is time to start purifying your Once Human territory. Simply head to the Stardust Resonant Filter, interact with it, and place your desired Eclipse Cortex Stone in the chamber. This screen will show the type and number of enemies that you must face for each stone, their character levels, the recommended level, the number of waves, and, of course, the Starchrom yield for the activity.

Once you are ready for battle, select the Purify button, and a countdown timer (approx. 5 minutes) will appear on the screen. Next, your goal is to survive the attacks and defend the Stardust Resonant Filter until the timer runs out. This tower defense mini-game is pretty much like the Plants vs Zombies, but instead of plants, it's you and your Deviants vs the zombies. Finally, collect your hard-earned Starchroms reward after completing the activity and the reward for completing the "Purify Your Territory" task.

Note: As per the latest Once Human update, you can only use 40 Eclipse Cortex Stones of any level per week. That makes sense. Otherwise, the Purification might just become an unlimited Starchroms Farming technique. Still, we recommend that you always aim for the maximum Purifications in Once Human each week to stock up your Starchroms supply.

How to Defend Purification in Once Human?

While the game leaves you at the mercy of your strategies, skills, Deviants, and weapons while defending the Stardust Resonant Filter, there are certain things that you can implement to increase your odds. Here are some tips that have helped us survive the hordes so far:

  • Don't attempt the Purification unless you are on at least character level 20.
  • Build a separate sub-base for the Stardust Resonant Filter, away from the territory core and in an open space within your territory.
  • Capture and allocate the Combat and Territory Type Deviants to the Stardust Filter base. Here are a few that have helped us so far:
    • Paper Doll: Repairs the damaged structures, boosts Deviant Energy, and collects rare items from other Deviants during Purification.
    • Nutcracker: Patrols the territory perimeters and shoots at all intruders with its turret.
    • Lonewolf's Whisper (Canine Skull): Summons three clones that attack all nearby enemies and pull their Aggro.
    • Dr. Teddy: Your basic healer who regenerates 8% HP per second and revives you when you get down.
    • Polar Jelly: A Jelly Fish throwable that freezes all nearby targets for 10 seconds and inflicts 50% Frost DMG.
  • Build your foundations from Gravel and other durable materials, and use Sandbags to direct the enemies along a path filled with traps.
  • One of the players even managed to build a maze of Sandbags and filled it with traps and turrets.
  • Repair all the damages after every Purification before starting the next one. 

Finally, take the time between waves to heal and restock your ammunition. Also, you can use the Strange Door Deviant to create portals that take you around the territory.


There you have it; that's everything on how to get Stardust Resonant Filter in Once Human, its prerequisites, applications, and how to complete the Purify Your Territory task. Hopefully, our tips and strategies will help you survive the many, Many hordes of enemies and elites during Purification. Don't forget to check out the rest of the website to learn more about Deviants and Everything Once Human.

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