All Combat Type Deviants in Once Human — Abilities, Locations, and Happiness Guide

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We are all fond of our magical beasts from Hogwarts Legacy, and Once Human has its own take on this amazing pet system. There are many Deviants in the game; some help you gather common resources, while others generate some rare materials of their own. The most valuable of them all are the Combat Type Deviants in Once Human. These cute little buddies will blindly follow you to any conflict and provide various buffs that give you the upper hand over your foes.

For instance, the Fostering Gel Deviant will cover your retreat and heal everyone on your side. Similarly, you can use the Grumpy Bulb Deviant, a throwable that confuses all foes and turns them against each other, sounds practical, right? Well, you can find countless such examples in our Deviant list. The only problem is that the game doesn't really help you get them all, and that's where we come in to aid. In this article, we will cover All Combat Type Deviants in Once Human, their needs, uses, and how to get them, let's start:

Table Contents

All Combat Type Deviants in Once Human: [August Update]

Judging by the cute and squishy looks, the Combat Type Deviants may seem harmless at first. Beware, don't be fooled by their cuteness, as each of these creatures hides unspeakable monstrosities and is capable of taking down many Elites on their own. With these instructions in mind, you must learn where to find each of these Combat Deviants and, on top of that, know how to please them to yield maximum benefits in battles. Without further delay, let's start with our list of All Combat Type Deviants in Once Human and their Happiness Guide:

Butterfly's Emissary


The Butterfly's Emissary is probably your first Combat Deviant in Once Human. This basic creature lacks uniqueness, and its attacks are pretty mediocre compared to more powerful options like the Zeno-Purifier. However, it can still assist you in surviving in the Dayton Wetlands region by attacking all nearby enemies and revealing their locations.

How to Get Butterfly's Emissary?

You can get the Butterfly's Emissary for free after completing the Eve of Evolution Tutorial. Alternatively, you can also catch it from the abandoned monolith next to Securement Silo – Alpha in the Chalk Peak region (80, -3599).

Butterfly's Emissary Happiness Guide:

Fortunately, the Butterfly's Emissary is pretty easy to please with just flowers. So, collect some loamy soil and place the Securement Unit right next to it. Here are the items that cheer up this cute little fellow:

  • Green light
  • Flowers

By the Wind

By the Wind

Coming up next, we have By the Wind Deviant from the Once Human PVE Servers. As the name suggests, this pet will levitate you in the air and allow free movement for up to 12 seconds. This duration is more than enough to plan your next moves, find hidden targets, and even clear any blockades in your path.  

How to Get By the Wind?

Unfortunately, the By the Wind Deviant is only available in the Once Human PVE Servers. You can get it by completing any Prime War or Frontier Location and opening the reward chest, just make sure you are playing in the right server.

Happiness Guide:

This particular Deviant is a bit hard to please as you can't just install all of its preferences in a single room. Still, it would be best to try to get as many items as you can to get maximum benefits:

  • Blue Light
  • Red Light
  • Flowers
  • Electricity

Canine Skull

Canine Skull

Canine Skull, better known as the Lonewolf's Whisper, is perhaps the best Combat Type unit in the entire game. This Deviant has several special abilities that can turn the tide of any battle. Starting off with the Splinter Strike, which basically generates up to three clones of the unit which attack all nearby targets. Similarly, it can also pull aggro and debuff any enemy that it attacks. The only drawback to this pet is that it is very hard to please, and you can only get it near the endgame sequence.

How to Get Canine Skull?

Currently, the only way to obtain the Canine Skull or the Lonewolf's Whisper Deviant is by defeating the fourth boss – Rabizex in the Monolith of Thirst (Chalk Peak).

Happiness Guide:

As mentioned earlier, the Canine Skull is pretty hard to please with regular gadgets. However, we found that he is very fond of the following items:

  • Red Light
  • Low Temperature
  • Electricity (5W)

Dr. Teddy

Dr Teddy

If you have ever played any team-based shooter like Valorant, you are probably already familiar with the importance of Sage (healer). In the case of Once Human, Dr. Teddy will be your field doctor who heals you mid-battle (8% per sec) and even revives you when you get down, basically a free adrenaline shot. Furthermore, you can also use him as a throwable to gain an instant 50% HP boost.

How to Get Dr. Teddy?

Unfortunately, Dr. Teddy is only available on the PVP Servers. You can get him by clearing the Securement Silo—Theta in the Red Sands region.

Happiness Guide:

Dr. Teddy is very fond of toys and very bright lights. So, you can easily cheer him up with the following tools:

  • Green light
  • Toys

Enchanting Void

Enchanted Void

If we ignore the Enchanting Void's cartoonish appearance, it may really be the most terrifying Deviant in the game. In fact, most players deem it to be the best Combat Deviant for Once Human Melee Builds. Basically, this unit will follow you around in its panther form, attack all nearby units, grant you 10% movement speed with melee weapons, and regenerate 10% of your HP on every melee attack. In short, it is an all-in-one package Deviant for our Melee Build fans. Adding to it, you can also use it as a throwable to transform into a terrifying panther yourself.

How to Get Enchanting Void?

You can only acquire this particular Deviant in the PVE Servers. Simply visit the same Securement Silo — Theta in the Red Sands region as before but in a different server; head to the Statue Room and you will get your reward.

Happiness Guide:

The Enchanting Void has almost identical preferences to the Canine Skull. So, you may keep them in the same room. Here is a list of everything that cheers up this Deviant:

  • Electricity (5W)
  • Red Light
  • Low temperature
  • Flowers

Festering Gel

Festering Gel

If you didn't skip our intro paragraph, you may already know all about the Festering Gel Deviant. This unit is the perfect companion to cover your retreat as it will slow down all enemies and even catch projectiles. Adding to the list of benefits, this Deviant also heals both you and your teammates and restores Sanity during combat. Overall, it is the next best thing after Dr. Teddy as a support companion.

How to Get Festering Gel?

You can get the Festering Gel in all servers after defeating the first boss – Ravenous Hunter in the Monolith of Greed, Dayton Wetlands.

Happiness Guide:

Fortunately, keeping the Festering Gel happy requires no effort, as he can be easily pleased with the following items:

  • Red light
  • Electricity (2W)

Grumpy Bulb

Grumpy Bulb

The Grumpy Bulb isn't as "grumpy" once you get to know it. However, he is extremely persuasive and may even turn best friends against each other. Basically, there are two attack modes for using this Deviant, and both of them require throwing him at your foes:

  • Garlicify: The Grumpy will deal AoE Damage to all nearby enemies and disrupt the aggro of all enemies in its radius for 10 seconds.
  • Autonomous Attack: For this second attack, throwing Grumpy will confuse all nearby foes, and they will start attacking each other.

Overall, the Grumpy Bulb Deviant is best suited for scenarios in which you are up against multiple enemies.

How to Get Grumpy Bulb?

There is a chance to drop Grumpy Bulb when harvesting Onions from your farm. We recommend that you grow Deviated Onions in your farmland to increase your chances.

Happiness Guide:

Well, caring for this little Deviant won't be hard as you just got it from your farmland. So, what does he like? Just place it next to the onion farm, grow some flowers, and you are good to go:

  • Crops
  • Flowers
  • High Temperature

Mini Feaster

Mini Feaster

We aren't really sure how to describe the Mini Feaster Deviant. Basically, it is a throwable that creates Tentacles around all nearby enemies with player Bounce Effects. However, the great part is that each Tentacle grants you an extra 17% DMG with any weapon, up to 70% max DMG boost.

How to Get Mini Feaster?

You can acquire the Mini Feaster by completing various mini-events in the game world. However, there is no exact location as these events are completely random. However, you should look for the events with purple beams and spheres on top in the map.

Happiness Guide:

The Mini Feaster Deviant looks like a tiny spider-ladybug hybrid, doesn't it? So, after loads of experimenting, we found that it lives in harmony with our Dreamcatcher Gadget Type Deviant with the following ambiances:

  • Red Light
  • Music
  • Toy

Mini Wonder

Mini Wonder

The Mini Wonder Deviant is truly a wonderful creation of Starry Studios. This unit will absorb every bullet that comes your way for a limited time, making it crucial for most boss and Elite fights. Personally, we have grown very fond of this particular pet, mainly due to its versatility and role in our battle strategies.

How to Get Mini Wonder?

The only way to acquire the Mini Wonder Deviant is to complete the Otherworld Traveler quest for Lowe at Blackfell. However, some players have also reported accidentally dropping it while crafting Vortex Generators.

Happiness Guide:

Even though Mini Wonder looks like a Blackhole or maybe a dwarf sun, it seems to like bright lights. You can cheer it up with the following lights:

  • Blue Light
  • Red Light

Mr. Wish

Mr Wish

Rumors are that there is a new badass sheriff in town who goes around saying, 'The name's Wish, Mr. Wish!' This special Deviant takes matters into his own hands as soon as you call for help. With his dual pistols, he will quickly aim and shoot at all nearby enemies and afflict them with the "Bull's Eye" status effect.

How to Get Mr. Wish?

Though not confirmed, there is a chance to drop Mr. Wish from the Party Room (keycard room) in Securement Silo – Sigma, Broken Delta.

Happiness Guide:

Mr. Wish has a high temperament that takes a while to cool down, and it suits his personality. In our experience, we managed to cheer him up with the following tools:

  • Red light
  • Electricity (10W)
  • Music
  • Toys
  • Flowers

Polar Jelly

Polar Jelly

Next up, we have the Polar Jelly Combat Type Deviant. The best way to describe this unit is a frozen bomb, an ice turret, or maybe the frost elixir. In any case, throwing this Deviant at your enemies inflicts 50% Frost DMG, slows all nearby enemies for 10 seconds, and inflicts the Frost status effect for the entire duration. Overall, this unit has the power to make it snow on June 21st.

How to Get Polar Jelly?

You can only drop the Polar Jelly by hosting the Cargo Scuffle game event. You can also try keeping the jelly over your head for longer to increase your chances.

Happiness Guide:

The Polar Jelly doesn't really need extra attention as long as it is placed in its natural habitat. Here are the best things to cheer up this bottle of snow:

  • Blue light
  • Low Temperature
  • Electricity (3W)

Pyro Dino

Pyro Dino

The Pyro Dino is perhaps the only Pokémon in the Once Human world. Don't be fooled by its cute looks; this pet has the power to burn everything that's dear to you. Basically, this Deviant launches fireballs on multiple enemies within its radius. Furthermore, it can also burn environmental elements like grass and wood to increase its impact.

How to Get Pyro Dino?

Nobody else would tell you this, but the only way to get Pyro Dino in Once Human is to complete the Securement Silo–Phi in Iron River Region at least three times.

Happiness Guide:

Pyro Dino may have terrifying attacks, but it is still a cute little dinosaur, so you must look after him the same way. Here are all the tools that boost his mood in no time:

  • Green Light
  • Toys
  • High Temperature

Shattered Maiden

Shattered Maiden

Again, don't be fooled by this Maiden's squishy cheeks and adorable looks. The Shattered Maiden is a one-woman army that can easily destroy anyone who dares to stand in her path. This unit will attack all nearby foes, afflict them with Slowdown and Chained status effects, and increase the damage output of your explosions by up to 70%. 

How to Get Shattered Maiden?

Fortunately, you don't have to go too far to capture this beautiful Deviant. Instead, focus on the main story until you meet Lowe and capture her during the Farmside Fright quest. Alternatively, there is also a chance of dropping her in Securement Silo—Theta in the Red Sands Region. 

Happiness Guide:

The Shattered Maiden may show aggressiveness in the field, but she is very innocent from the inside. You can easily cheer her up with the following ingredients:

  • Blue Light
  • Red Light
  • Flowers

Voodoo Doll

Voodo Doll

The Voodoo Doll may seem like it came straight out of Annabelle, but that's not really the case. In Once Human, this Deviant serves as a defender that absorbs 50% of the damage coming your way or even helps you divide the total damage among your teammates. Overall, we aren't very fond of this Deviant and we'd take every chance to replace it with Dr. Teddy (holding a cross while telling you that).

How to Get Voodoo Doll?

There are two ways to capture the Voodoo Doll Deviant. Firstly, you can get it by defeating The Clown with the Floating Gun in the Junkyard, we recommend completing the Carnival of Doom quest. Alternatively, you can also look for it on the rooftops of the Sunbury Middle School building. 

Happiness Guide:

Judging from the dark nature of this Deviant, its preferences must be dark, too, right? Wrong! On the contrary, she loves everything that's sweet, bright, and mood-lifting like:

  • Blue light
  • Red light
  • Music
  • Toy


Zeno Purifier

We are really sorry for keeping you waiting for the Zeno-Purifier; it's just in alphabetical order. Otherwise, we'd definitely place it at the top of our list based on its immense powers. Basically, this unit draws its dark blade and strikes any nearby enemy within its range. Furthermore, it also has the ability to teleport the player to the enemy with a melee attack. Overall, the Zeno-Purifier is definitely the best Combat Deviant in Once Human, and you must get it ASAP.

How to Get Zeno-Purifier?

You can redeem the Zeno-Purifier as your reward for killing 200 enemies in the Season 1 Phase 1 catalog. Alternatively, you can also try searching for it in weapon crates around the Red Sands and Iron River regions.

Happiness Guide:

Fortunately, Zeno-Purifier doesn't require too much attention to cheer him up. Instead, just install the following ambiances, and you are good to go:

  • Red Light
  • Music


That's all the Combat Deviants in Once Human so far after the Once Human August Patch. We will keep this list updated in case the Devs add new entries in future updates. Hopefully, you have already found your favorite Combat Deviants in our list and are planning a character build around them. Be sure to check out the rest of the website; you will definitely find something useful there, Happy Gaming!

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