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Sorcerer – Frost, Pyromancy, Shock Diablo 4

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Sorcerer – Frost, Pyromancy, Shock
Diablo 4 Sorcerer

Sorcerer is one of the class in Diablo 4, Learn more about Sorcerer such as skills and specialization and other information about Sorcerer.

Sorcerer Details

Masters of the elements, Sorcerers inflict Cold, Fire, and Lightning damage to
subdue their enemies.


Frost Skills Chill enemies, reducing their Movement Speed. Chilling
enemies will eventually Freeze them, causing them to be unable to act.


Pyromancy Skills focus on dealing Fire damage. These Skills deal a high
amount of damage and cause enemies to Burn for additional damage
over time.


Shock Skills use Lightning to defeat enemies. These Skills have many
ways to reduce Cooldowns and benefit especially well when Critically

Class Basic Skills



Lucky Hit Chance: 9%

Launch a bolt of lightning that shocks
an enemy 4 times, dealing 12% x
[Damage] damage each hit.



Killing an enemy has a 14% chance to
form a Crackling Energy.


Basic, Shock

Enhanced Spark

Each time Spark hits its primary target,
it has a 40% chance to hitup to 3
additional enemies, dealing 9% x
[Damage] damage. If there are no other
enemies to hit, Spark instead deals 20%
[x] increased damage to its primary

Flickering Spark

Each time Spark hits an enemy it has a
4% chance to form a Crackling Energy.

Glinting Spark

Spark grants 2%[+] increased Critical
Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up
to 8%[+]. At max stacks, your Spark hits
grant 1 Mana.


Lightning Damage

Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt

Lucky Hit Chance: 40%

Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy,
dealing 38% x [Damage] damage and
Chilling them for 15%.

Direct damage from Skills applies up to
189% Chill.


Basic, Frost

Enhanced Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt has a 15% chance to explode
on Chilled enemies, hitting surrounding
enemies. Chance increased to 100%
against Frozen enemies.

Glinting Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt generates 4 Mana when
hitting Chilled or Frozen enemies.

Flickering Frost Bolt

Frost Bolt makes Frozen enemies
Vulnerable for 3 seconds.


Cold Damage

Fire Bolt

Fire Bolt

Lucky Hit Chance: 35%

Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing 18% x
[Damage] damage and Burning for 44%
x [Damage] damage over 6 seconds.


Direct damage from Skills applies up to
an additional 23.4% x [Damage] Burning
damage over 8 seconds.


Basic, Pyromancy

Enhanced Fire Bolt

Fire Bolt pierces through Burning

Glinting Fire Bolt

Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage
you deal to the enemy by 25%[x] for 3

Flickering Fire Bolt

Fire Bolt generates 2 Mana when hitting
an enemy.


Fire Damage

Arc Lash

Arc Lash

Lucky Hit Chance: 14%

Unleash arcing lightning that deals 42%
x [Damage] damage to enemies in front
of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes,
it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.


‘When you use a Cooldown, enemies
around you are Stunned for 0.5 seconds.


Basic, Shock

Enhanced Arc Lash

If Arc Lash’s initial swipe Critically
Strikes, it swipes an additional time.

Glinting Arc Lash

Hitting a Stunned enemy with Arc Lash
reduces your Cooldowns by 0.15

Flickering Arc Lash

Arc Lash grants 5 Mana if your swipe
hits at least one enemy. When you hit 3
or more enemies or a Boss, your next
swipe also deals 50%[x] more damage.


Lightning Damage

Class Core Skills



Mana Cost: 10 per second
Lucky Hit Chance: 8%
Channel a beam of fire, Burning
enemies for 101% x [Damage] damage
per second. Damage per second
increases over 2 seconds, up to 136.35%
x [Damage].
You gain 20% Damage Reduction while

Every 14 seconds, a serpent spawns and
Incinerates enemies for 8 seconds.


Core, Pyromancy, Channeled

Enhanced Incinerate

While channeling Incinerate, you Burn
enemies around you for 50% of the
damage per second.

Greater Incinerate

Every 3 seconds an enemy has been hit
by Incinerate, they are Immobilized for
1.5 seconds.

Destructive Incinerate

Enemies deal 30% less damage while
Burning from Incinerate.


Fire Damage



Mana Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Hurl an exploding ball of fire, dealing
66% x [Damage] damage to surrounding

When you kill an enemy, they explode
in a Fireball for 50% of its damage.


Core, Pyromancy

Enhanced Fireball

Casting Fireball increases its radius by

Destructive Fireball

Fireball's Critical Strike Damage is
increased by 20%[+], increased to 30%
[+] when hitting at least 3 enemies.

Greater Fireball

Fireball deals 10% of the Burning
damage you've applied to enemies as
additional direct damage.


Fire Damage

Frost Orb

Frost Orb

Mana Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 4%
Unleash an orb that Chills for 34% and
expels piercing shards, dealing a total of
52% x [Damage] damage. Upon
expiration, Frozen Orb explodes,
dealing 50% x [Damage] damage and
Chilling enemies for 9%.

Whenever you cast a Non-Basic Skill,
you have a 30% chance to launch a
Frozen Orb at a Nearby enemy.


Core, Frost

Enhanced Frozen Orb

While Healthy, the explosion of Frozen
Orb deals 45%[x] increased damage.

Greater Frozen Orb

Frozen Orb’s explosion has a 40%
chance to make all enemies hit
Vulnerable for 3 seconds. Frozen
enemies are always made Vulnerable.

Destructive Frozen Orb

Frozen Orb’s explosion restores 5 Mana
when hitting a Frozen enemy.


Cold Damage

Ice Shards

Ice Shards

Mana Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 16%
Launch 5 shards that deal 36% x
[Damage] damage each. Deals 25%[x]
increased damage to Frozen enemies.


Ice Shards automatically conjure and fly
towards Frozen enemies.


Core, Frost

Enhanced Ice Shards

Ice Shards have a 50% chance to
ricochet to another enemy. Ice Shards
always ricochet off of Frozen enemies.

Greater Ice Shards

While you have a Barrier active, Ice
Shards always receives its bonuses
against Frozen enemies.

Destructive Ice Shards

Hitting an enemy with 5 Ice Shards in a
single cast makes them Vulnerable for 2


Cold Damage

Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning

Mana Cost: 35
Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
Unleash a stream of lightning that deals
43% x [Damage] damage and chains
between Nearby enemies and you up to
5 times, prioritizing enemies.

Chain Lightning forms automatically
after spending 100 Mana.


Core, Shock, Chain

Enhanced Chain Lightning

Chain Lightning gains a 3%[+] increased
Critical Strike Chance per bounce.

Greater Chain Lightning

Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it
deals 10%[x] increased damage for its
duration, up to 30%[x].

Destructive Chain Lightning

When Chain Lightning Critically
Strikes, it has a 30% chance to form a
Crackling Energy.


Lightning Damage

Charged Bolts

Charged Bolts

Mana Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
Release 5 bolts of lightning that course
along the ground in an erratic pattern,
dealing 45% x [Damage] damage each.

When you Stun an enemy, there's a 40%
chance to release 3 Charged Bolts from


Core, Shock

Enhanced Charged Bolts

The 3rd time an enemy is hit by a single
cast of Charged Bolts, that bolt surges
upon impact, dealing 78.75% x
[Damage] in an area.

Greater Charged Bolts

Charged Bolts deals 35%[x] increased
damage to Stunned enemies.

Destructive Charged Bolts

Hitting an enemy with Charged Bolts
reduces their damage dealt by 25% for 3


Lightning Damage

Potent Warding

Rank 1

Casting a Skill grants 3%[+] All
Resistance and 2%[+] Maximum
Resistance to that Skill's element for 9

Rank 2

Casting a Skill grants 6%[+] All
Resistance and 4.0%[+] Maximum
Resistance to that Skill's element for 9

Rank 3

Casting a Skill grants 9%[+] All
Resistance and 6.0%[+] Maximum
Resistance to that Skill's element for 9


Rank 1

Your Maximum Mana is increased by 3.

Rank 2

Your Maximum Mana is increased by 6.

Rank 3

Your Maximum Mana is increased by 9.

Elemental Dominance

Rank 1

Your Core Skills deal 4%[x] increased
damage when cast above 50 Mana.

Rank 2

Your Core Skills deal 8%[x] increased
damage when cast above 50 Mana.

Rank 3

Your Core Skills deal 12%[x] increased
damage when cast above 50 Mana.

Class Defensive Skills

Flame Shield

Flame Shield

Cooldown: 20 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
Engulf yourself in flames for 2 seconds,
Burning surrounding enemies for 40% x
[Damage] damage per second.
While Flame Shield is active, you are


Flame Shield automatically activates
after cumulatively losing 100%
Maximum Life. Can only happen once
every 30 seconds.


Defensive, Pyromancy

Enhanced Flame Shield

Flame Shield has a 50% larger Burn

Shimmering Flame Shield

Flame Shield Heals you for 50% of your
missing Life.

Mystical Flame Shield

After Flame Shield ends, surrounding
enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds and
your next Skill is a guaranteed Critical


Fire Damage



Cooldown: 14 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 65%
Transform into lightning, becoming
Unstoppable and surging to the target
location, dealing 35% x [Damage]
damage around you upon arrival.


Evade is replaced with a short range
Teleport on a 17.0 second Cooldown.
This version of Teleport does not make
you Unstoppable.


Defensive, Shock, Mobility

Enhanced Teleport

You gain 30%[+] Movement Speed for 3
seconds after Teleporting.

Shimmering Teleport

After Teleporting, you gain 30%
Damage Reduction for 4 seconds.

Mystical Teleport

Teleport deals 500%[x] increased
damage. It also forms a Crackling
Energy for each enemy it hits, up to 3.


Lightning Damage

Ice Shield

Ice Shield

Cooldown: 20 seconds
A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6
seconds, absorbing 56% of your
Maximum Life (4,457.31) in damage.

Upon getting hit, you have a 5% chance
to apply Ice Armor.


Defensive, Frost

Enhanced Ice Armor

While Ice Armor is active, your Mana
Regeneration is increased by 30%[x].

Mystical Ice Armor

While Ice Armor is active, you
periodically Chill Close enemies for 20%
and deal 15%][x] increased damage to
Erozen enemies.

Shimmering Ice Armor

While Ice Armor is active, you reduce its
Cooldown by 1 seconds for every 50
Mana you spend.



Frost Nova

Frost Nova

Cooldown: 24 seconds
Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing
enemies around you for 3 seconds.


Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have
up to a 35% chance to unleash a Frost
Nova when hitting enemies.


Defensive, Frost

Enhanced Frost Nova

Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova
reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up
to 4 seconds per cast.

Shimmering Frost Nova

Frost Nova grants 3%[+] Dodge Chance
per enemy hit for 8 seconds, up to 15%
[+]. Dodging while this effect is active
restores 20 Mana.

Hitting a Boss with Frost Nova grants
the maximum stacks of the Dodge
Chance bonus.

Mystical Frost Nova

Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable
for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds
against Bosses.



Glass Cannon

Rank 1

You deal 6%[x] increased damage, but
take 2%[x] more damage.

Rank 2

You deal 12%[x] increased damage, but
take 4%[x] more damage.

Rank 3

You deal 16%[x] increased damage, but
take 6%[x] more damage.

Elemental Attunement

Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a
7% chance to reset the Cooldown of one
of your Defensive Skills. Can only
happen once every 10 seconds.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a
14% chance to reset the Cooldown of one
of your Defensive Skills. Can only
happen once every 10 seconds.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a
21% chance to reset the Cooldown of one
of your Defensive Skills. Can only
happen once every 10 seconds.

Energy Focus

Rank 1

You generate a 6 second Barrier for 0.5%
of your Maximum Life every second up
to 30%. This effect is lost for 5 seconds
after losing health.

Rank 2

You generate a 6 second Barrier for 1.0%
of your Maximum Life every second up
to 30%. This effect is lost for 5 seconds
after losing health.

Rank 3

You generate a 6 second Barrier for 1.5%
of your Maximum Life every second up
to 30%. This effect is lost for 5 seconds
after losing health.

Dampen Layer

Rank 1

You gain 2% Damage Reduction while
you have an active Barrier.

Rank 2

You gain 4% Damage Reduction while
you have an active Barrier.

Rank 3

You gain 6% Damage Reduction while
you have an active Barrier.

Class Conjuration Skills



Mana Cost: 20
Lucky Hit Chance: 3%
Summon a 3-headed hydra for 10.0
seconds. Each head spits fire at
enemies, dealing 18% x [Damage]
Maximum 2 active Hydras at a time.


After spending 200 Mana, a 5-headed
Hydra spawns for 5 seconds.


Conjuration, Pyromancy

Enhanced Hydra

While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain
1 additional head.

Invoked Hydra

After you Critically Strike, your Hydras
gain 30%[+] Critical Strike Chance for 3

Summoned Hydra

Hydra also Burns enemies for an
additional 100% of its Base damage
dealt over 6 seconds.


Fire Damage

Ice Blades

Ice Blades

Cooldown: 16 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 15%
Conjure a pair of ice blades for 6.0
seconds that rapidly slash enemies for
23% x [Damage] damage and have a 40%
chance to make them Vulnerable for 2


For every 40 seconds in Cooldowns you
spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a
random enemy.


Conjuration, Frost

Enhanced Ice Blades

Ice Blades's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5
seconds each time it hits a Vulnerable

Invoked Ice Blades

Your Ice Blades gain 10%[+] increased
Attack Speed per active Ice Blades.

Summoned Ice Blades

20% of Enhanced Ice Blades's Cooldown
reduction is applied to your other Skills.


Cold Damage

Lightning Spear

Lightning Spear

Cooldown: 20 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 5%
Conjure a spear of lightning that seeks
out enemies for 6.0 seconds, dealing
16% x [Damage] damage per hit. Critical
Strikes apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds.


Absorbing Crackling Energy has a 10%
chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.


Conjuration, Frost

Enhanced Ice Blades

Ice Blades's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5
seconds each time it hits a Vulnerable

Invoked Ice Blades

Your Ice Blades gain 10%[+] increased
Attack Speed per active Ice Blades.

Summoned Ice Blades

20% of Enhanced Ice Blades's Cooldown
reduction is applied to your other Skills.


Cold Damage

Precision Magic

Rank 1

Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by

Rank 2

Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by

Rank 3

Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by

Conjuration Mastery

Rank 1

You gain 1%[x] damage, 1%[+]
Movement Speed, and 2%[x] Mana
Regeneration for each active

Rank 2

You gain 2%[x] damage, 2%[+]
Movement Speed, and 4%[x] Mana
Regeneration for each active

Rank 3

You gain 3%[x] damage, 3%[+]
Movement Speed, and 6%[x] Mana
Regeneration for each active

Align the Elements

Rank 1

You gain 3% Damage Reduction against
Elites for each second you haven't taken
damage from one, up to 60%. This
bonus persists for 3 seconds after taking

Rank 2

You gain 6% Damage Reduction against
Elites for each second you haven't taken
damage from one, up to 60%. This
bonus persists for 3 seconds after taking

Rank 3

You gain 9% Damage Reduction against
Elites for each second you haven't taken
damage from one, up to 60%. This
bonus persists for 3 seconds after taking


Rank 1

Using a Cooldown grants 10% of your
Maximum Life (x) as a Barrier for 3

Rank 2

Using a Cooldown grants 20% of your
Maximum Life (x) as a Barrier for 3

Rank 3

Using a Cooldown grants 30% of your
Maximum Life (x) as a Barrier for 3

Mana Shield

Rank 1

Every time you spend 100 Mana, you
gain 10% Damage Reduction for 5

Rank 2

Every time you spend 100 Mana, you
gain 20% Damage Reduction for 5

Rank 3

Every time you spend 100 Mana, you
gain 30% Damage Reduction for 5

Class Mastery Skills



Mana Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
Summon a frigid blizzard that deals
1,680% x [Damage] damage and
continually Chills enemies for 18% over
8 seconds.


Every 15 seconds, a Blizzard forms over
you and follows you for 6 seconds.


Mastery, Frost, Core

Enhanced Blizzard

Blizzard deals 40%[x] increased damage
to Frozen enemies.

Mage's Blizzard

Blizzard's duration is increased by 4

Wizard's Blizzard

While you have an active Blizzard, you
gain 1 Mana Regeneration for every 20
Maximum Mana.

Current Bonus: 5


Cold Damage



Mana Cost: 40
Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
Summon a meteor that strikes the
target location, dealing 96% x [Damage]
damage and Burning the ground for
35% x [Damage] damage over 3 seconds.


Lucky Hit: Up to a 8% chance for a
Meteor to fall on enemies.


Mastery, Pyromancy, Core

Enhanced Meteor

If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more
enemies, there is a 30% chance an
additional Meteor falls on the same

Wizard's Meteor

Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies
for 2 seconds.

Mage's Meteor

Meteor falls 30% faster.


Fire Damage



Mana Cost: 30
Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
Create a wall of flames that Burns
enemies for 230% x [Damage] damage
over 8 seconds.


Lucky Hit: Up to 25% chance when
dealing Burning damage to spawn 2
Firewalls for 3 seconds.


Mastery, Pyromancy, Core

Enhanced Firewall

Enemies take 25%[x] increased Burning
damage from you while standing in

Mage's Firewall

Enemies continue Burning for 3 seconds
after leaving Firewall.

Wizard's Firewall

You gain 5%[x] increased Mana
Regeneration per active Firewall, up to


Fire Damage

Ball Lightning

Ball Lightning

Mana Cost: 50
Lucky Hit Chance: 5%
Discharge a ball of lightning that slowly
moves forward, continually zapping
enemies for 23.76% x [Damage] damage.


Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a
25% chance to spawn a static Ball


Mastery, Shock, Core

Enhanced Ball Lightning

Ball Lightning's attack rate is increased
by your Attack Speed Bonus, up to 25%.

Mage's Ball Lightning

After hitting Close enemies 50 times
with Ball Lightning, your next cast of it
Stuns enemies hit for 1 second.

Wizard's Ball Lightning

If an enemy is hit at least 4 times by a
cast of Ball Lightning, a Crackling
Energy is formed. Can only happen 2
times per cast.


Lightning Damage

Icy Veil

Rank 1

Your Barriers have an 8%[+] increased

Rank 2

Your Barriers have an 16%[+] increased

Rank 3

Your Barriers have an 24%[+] increased

Snap Freeze

Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have up to a 7%
chance to instantly Freeze.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have up to a 14%
chance to instantly Freeze.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have up to a 21%
chance to instantly Freeze.

Cold Front

Rank 1

While you have a Barrier active, you
apply 8%[x] more Chill.

Rank 2

While you have a Barrier active, you
apply 16%[x] more Chill.

Rank 3

While you have a Barrier active, you
apply 24%[x] more Chill.

Inner Flames

Rank 1

Your Pyromancy Skills deal 4%[x]
increased damage while you are

Rank 2

Your Pyromancy Skills deal 8%[x]
increased damage while you are

Rank 3

Your Pyromancy Skills deal 12%[x]
increased damage while you are

Devouring Blaze

Rank 1

You deal 7%[x] increased Critical Strike
Damage against Burning enemies. If
they are Crowd Controlled, this bonus is
increased to 10%[x].

Rank 2

You deal 14%[x] increased Critical Strike
Damage against Burning enemies. If
they are Crowd Controlled, this bonus is
increased to 20%[x].

Rank 3

You deal 21%[x] increased Critical Strike
Damage against Burning enemies. If
they are Crowd Controlled, this bonus is
increased to 30%[x].

Crippling Flames

Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have
up to a 7% chance to Immobilize
enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is
doubled while you are Healthy.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have
up to a 14% chance to Immobilize
enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is
doubled while you are Healthy.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have
up to a 21% chance to Immobilize
enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is
doubled while you are Healthy.

Static Discharge

Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock
Skills have up to a 6% chance to form a
Crackling Energy.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock
Skills have up to a 12% chance to form a
Crackling Energy.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock
Skills have up to a 16% chance to form a
Crackling Energy.

Invigorating Conduit

Rank 1

Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you
gain 4 Mana.

Rank 2

Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you
gain 8 Mana.

Rank 3

Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you
gain 12 Mana.

Shocking Impact

Rank 1

Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal
50% x [Damage] Lightning damage to

Rank 2

Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal
100% x [Damage] Lightning damage to

Rank 3

Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal
150% x [Damage] Lightning damage to

Class Ultimate Skills

Deep Freeze

Deep Freeze

Cooldown: 60 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 2%
Encase yourself in ice, becoming
Immune for 4 seconds, continually
dealing 25% x [Damage] damage, and
Chilling enemies for 14%. When Deep
Freeze expires, it deals an additional
100% x [Damage] damage.

Casting Deep Freeze again ends the
effect early.


Ultimate, Frost

Prime Deep Freeze

When Deep Freeze ends, gain 10% of
your Base Life (x) as a Barrier for 6
seconds for each enemy you Froze while
it was active.

Supreme Deep Freeze

When Deep Freeze ends, surrounding
enemies are made Vulnerable for 5
seconds and your Non-Ultimate
Cooldowns are instantly reset.


Cold Damage



Cooldown: 45 seconds
Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
Summon a fiery serpent that
continually constricts the target area,
Burning enemies for 354% x [Damage]
damage over 8 seconds.


Ultimate, Pyromancy

Prime Inferno

Inferno repeatedly Pulls enemies to its

Supreme Inferno

While Inferno is active, your Pyromancy
Skills cost no Mana.


Fire Damage

Unstable Currents

Unstable Currents

Cooldown: 70 seconds

Lightning surges within you for 10
seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock
Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or
Mastery Shock Skill is also cast.


Ultimate, Shock

Prime Unstable Currents

Unstable Currents increases your Attack
Speed by 25%[+] while active.

Supreme Unstable Currents

While Unstable Currents is active, you
pulse Crackling Energy for free at a 25%
faster rate.


Lightning Damage


Rank 1

Frost Skills deal 5%[x] increased
damage to Elites.

Rank 2

Frost Skills deal 10%[x] increased
damage to Elites.

Rank 3

Frost Skills deal 15%[x] increased
damage to Elites.

Icy Touch

Rank 1

You deal 4%[x] increased Cold damage
to Vulnerable enemies

Rank 2

You deal 8%[x] increased Cold damage
to Vulnerable enemies

Rank 3

You deal 12%[x] increased Cold damage
to Vulnerable enemies


Rank 1

You deal 3%[x] increased damage to
Chilled enemies, and 6%[x] increased
damage to Frozen enemies.

Rank 2

You deal 6%[x] increased damage to
Chilled enemies, and 12%[x] increased
damage to Frozen enemies.

Rank 3

You deal 9%[x] increased damage to
Chilled enemies, and 18%[x] increased
damage to Frozen enemies.

Frigid Breeze

Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Cold damage against
Vulnerable enemies has up to a 20%
chance to generate 5 Mana.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Cold damage against
Vulnerable enemies has up to a 20%
chance to generate 10 Mana.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Cold damage against
Vulnerable enemies has up to a 20%
chance to generate 15 Mana.

Fiery Surge

Rank 1

Killing a Burning enemy increases your
Mana Regeneration by 15%[+] for 3

Rank 2

Killing a Burning enemy increases your
Mana Regeneration by 30%[+] for 3

Rank 3

Killing a Burning enemy increases your
Mana Regeneration by 45%[+] for 3


Rank 1

Your Pyromancy Skills cost 4% less
Mana and deal 2%[x] increased damage.
Double these bonuses after standing
still for 2 seconds.

Rank 2

Your Pyromancy Skills cost 8% less
Mana and deal 4%[x] increased damage.
Double these bonuses after standing
still for 2 seconds.

Rank 3

Your Pyromancy Skills cost 12% less
Mana and deal 6%[x] increased damage.
Double these bonuses after standing
still for 2 seconds.

Endless Pyre

Rank 1

You deal increased Burning damage to
enemies for each second they remain
Burning, up to 5%[x] after 5 seconds.

Rank 2

You deal increased Burning damage to
enemies for each second they remain
Burning, up to 10%[x] after 5 seconds.

Rank 3

Your Pyromancy Skills cost 12% less
Mana and deal 6%[x] increased damage.
Double these bonuses after standing
still for 2 seconds.


Rank 1

Every 1 second, you Heal for 1.0% of
your Maximum Life (x) for each
Nearby Burning enemy. Healing
increased to 4.0% from Bosses.

Rank 2

Every 1 second, you Heal for 2.0% of
your Maximum Life (x) for each
Nearby Burning enemy. Healing
increased to 8.0% from Bosses.

Rank 3

Every 1 second, you Heal for 3.0% of
your Maximum Life (x) for each
Nearby Burning enemy. Healing
increased to 12.0% from Bosses.

Coursing Currents

Rank 1

Hitting enemies with Shock Skills
increases your Critical Strike Chance by
1%[+]. Resets upon getting a Critical

Rank 2

Hitting enemies with Shock Skills
increases your Critical Strike Chance by
2%[+]. Resets upon getting a Critical

Rank 3

Hitting enemies with Shock Skills
increases your Critical Strike Chance by
3%[+]. Resets upon getting a Critical


Rank 1

Critical Strikes with Shock Skills
increase your Movement Speed by 4%[+]
for 4 seconds.

Rank 2

Critical Strikes with Shock Skills
increase your Movement Speed by 8%[+]
for 4 seconds.

Rank 3

Critical Strikes with Shock Skills
increase your Movement Speed by 12%[+]
for 4 seconds.


Rank 1

Enemies deal 6% less damage for 5
seconds after being Critically Struck by
your Shock Skills.

Rank 2

Enemies deal 12% less damage for 5
seconds after being Critically Struck by
your Shock Skills.

Rank 3

Enemies deal 18% less damage for 5
seconds after being Critically Struck by
your Shock Skills.


Rank 1

Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a 7%
chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.

Rank 2

Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a 14%
chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.

Rank 3

Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a 21%
chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.

Class Key Passives Skills



Lucky Hit: Your Frost Skills have up to a
10% chance to make your next cast of
Ice Shards, Frozen Orb, or Blizzard
consume no Mana and deal 60%[x]
increased damage. Chance is doubled
against Vulnerable enemies.



After Freeze expires, enemies explode
for 45% of the damage you dealt to
them while Frozen.

Overflowing Energy

Overflowing Energy

Crackling Energy hits 1 additional
enemy. Each time Crackling Energy hits
an enemy, your Shock Skill Cooldowns
are reduced by 0.1 seconds, increased to
0.35 seconds against Elites.

Vyr's Mastery

Vyr's Mastery

When you Critically Strike an enemy
with a Shock Skill you become Charged
and take 25%[x] less damage for 5
While Charged:
Critical Strikes have a 10% chance to
cause the damage to arc as Lightning
damage to another nearby enemy, or if
there are no other targets you hit the
target again for 250% of the damage.

Esu's Ferocity

Esu's Ferocity

Your Fire Critical Strike Damage is
increased by 25%[x] against enemies
above 50% Life. Your Fire Critical Strike
Chance is increased by 10%[+] against
enemies below 50% Life.
Critical Strikes that kill enemies or hit a
Boss grant both bonuses against all
enemies for 3 seconds.



Your Burning effects deal 60%[x]
increased damage, and an additional 4%
[x] per unique source of Burning you
have applied to the enemy.

Class Skill Tree

This section is still in progress, we are doing our best to provide the content as soon as possible

Class System Requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Class PC System Requirement

Minimum Specifications


64-bit Windows® 10 version 1909 or newer


Intel® Core™ i5-2500K or AMD™ FX-8350




NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 660 or Intel® Arc™ A380 or AMD Radeon™ R9 280


Version 12


Broadband Internet connection


90 GB available space

Additional Notes

*1080p native resolution / 720p render resolution, low graphics settings, 30fps, SSD Required

Maximum Specifications


64-bit Windows® 10 version 1909 or newer


Intel® Core™ i5-4670K or AMD Ryzen™ 1300X




NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 970 or Intel® Arc™ A750 or AMD Radeon™ RX 470


Version 12


Broadband Internet connection


90 GB available space

Additional Notes

*1080p resolution, medium graphics settings, 60fps, SSD Required

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