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How to Get Silver Ore in Once Human?

Once Human Team Editor

If you have been rocking Once Human daily since its release, you are probably around silver tools and upgrades in the game. The slow progression has prepared you for this very moment, so take out your best pickaxes and start looking for silver deposits. Unfortunately, silver ores in Once Human are pretty rare, and you can’t find them as frequently as iron or even copper ores. Adding to your troubles, you won’t find these ores in the same location twice, so you better come up with a sound farming strategy.

Confused? Don’t worry, we have done all the research and fieldwork for you. So, sit back and take notes of everything that we are about to hit you with. In this article, we will discuss how to get silver ore in Once Human and how to use it to improve your already powerful build, let’s start:

Blogs Table Contents

Blogs How to Get Silver Ore in Once Human?

Silver and Gold are the rarest resources in Once Human (real life and almost every other survival-crafting game, too). While you can find small deposits of silver nodes near roads, beaches, and on hilltops, they aren’t quite enough for all your needs. We are even hearing rumours that players have started to quite the game just because they couldn’t craft a single silver ingot after a whole day’s grinding. 

The good news is that we have come up with a silver ore mining strategy that gives us around 200+ ores per day. Sounds too little? Well, you signed up for slave labour when you downloaded this zombie survival game. In any case, if you stick to our prescribed routine, you will quickly stack up more silver ingots than you are ever gonna need for your crafting projects.

Blogs Prepare your Tools

Silver Ore Tools

As always, the first step is to prepare your tools for your mining operations. In this case, you will need 2x Copper Pickaxes to keep mining without any delays. While you can still use your favourite Bronze Pickaxe for this task, it isn’t as efficient in mining silver nodes and doesn’t last much against these harder rocks. Therefore, you must open the Memetics Menu and unlock the recipe for Copper Pickaxe under infrastructure. Finally, you will need the following ingredients to craft a 1x Copper Pickaxe on your Supplies Workbench:

  • 5x Logs 
  • 7x Copper Ingot
  • 2x Hide

Blogs Identifying the Silver Nodes

Silver Ore Identify

As mentioned earlier, you can find small deposits of silver nodes pretty much anywhere on the map. These nodes are usually very similar to tin in appearance, so it will take some practice before you start identifying them from far away. However, if you take a closer look, silver nodes are usually more on the blackish side rather than greyish tin nodes and their rocks are also a lot thicker than the former. Lastly, silver nodes usually appear near copper and iron nodes whereas tin nodes appear in large swarms in special locations. By keeping these thumb rules in mind, you won’t have to get off your motorcycle so often whenever you spot a shiny grey rock out in the wild.

Blogs Silver Ore Farm Locations

Silver Ore Farming

Okay, so you have just learned how to identify silver nodes from far, the next step is to find these nodes in the world. While you can find them anywhere on the map, we’d still recommend a few silver ore farm locations in Once Human where we had a lot more luck than rest of the game world. Starting off with the Dayton Wetlands, a well-known mining spot for silver ores. Just try mining near beaches and riverbeds, and of course, the Broken Delta.

Next up, we have the Highlands near the Iron River region. You may have already visited this location when looking for iron ore in the early game stages. Well, good news, you can find plenty of silver in the same locality. We recommend that you try your luck near in the area between the Highlands and the Teleporter (see the map). Once you have drained the area of all its silver deposits, simply go back to the Teleporter and change the channel to respawn all silver nodes. Alternatively, you can also focus on other activities or maybe quests for the next 30 minutes and let the area naturally regain its silver nodes before resuming your mining operations.

Silver Ore Strategy

For the last choice, we have the mountains near Aiden’s Hideout in the Wetlands region. However, this location doesn’t have much silver, and you may find yourself constantly moving between other farming spots. Ow, and if you are still falling short of silver supplies, you can go to pretty much any level 20+ area and find some silver nodes there.

Blogs How to Use Silver Ore in Once Human?

Okay, so you now have more than enough silver ores in your base inventory, congratulations! It’s about time that you start wondering about how you are going to utilize all those raw silver ores that you have been farming for days. Well, we have a good news and a bad news for you. Starting with the bad news, you can’t use silver ores or even silver ingots in as many upgrades and crafting projects as you thought. 

Now, the good news, you can use silver ores to craft silver ingots, get energy links, and even unlock the ability to harvest fruits from trees. First of all, you must unlock Precious Metal Refining from the Memetics Menu under infrastructure. Next, head to your Electric Furnace and use 30x silver ores to get 1x silver ingot. Repeat the process until you have converted all raw ores into workable ingots.

Finally, you can now use your silver ingots to craft a silver pickaxe that drops fruits whenever you start logging trees. Alternatively, you can sell your silver ingots to nearby merchants and vendors for over 6,000 Energy Links a piece.

Blogs Conclusion

To sum it up, silver is an endgame resource in most survival-crafting games, and Once Human is no different. This precious metal spawns in most regions around the map, but in very small quantities. Whereas you need around 30 silver ores to craft 1x silver ingot. Therefore, this article has covered where to get silver ore in Once Human, its best farming locations, and how to use it in your recipes. If you have any other questions or would like to add to this content, feel free to reach out; we are all ears.

Blogs System Requirements

Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system

Blogs PC System Requirement

Minimum Specifications


Windows 10 64-bit Operating System


Intel Core i5-4460




Nvidia GTX 750ti 4G / AMD Radeon RX550


Version 11


Broadband Internet connection


55 GB available space

Additional Notes

SSD is highly recommended

Maximum Specifications


Windows 10 64-bit Operating System


Intel Core i7-7700




Nvidia GTX 1060 6G / AMD Radeon RX 580 2304SP / Intel ARC A380


Version 11


Broadband Internet connection


55 GB available space

Additional Notes

SSD is highly recommended

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