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Where To Find All 17 Hidden Faces in Hellblade 2?

Blogs Team Editor

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 follows a linear progression route and offers little to no room for mindless exploration. However, the game does reward you for going off-track from time to time. Currently, there are two types of collectibles in the game, i.e., Lore Totems or Lorestangir and Stone faces. 

Much of the game’s environment consists of rocks and stones. So, it is easy to miss some of these hidden stone faces if you don’t pay close attention to the voices. Even though finding all these collectibles doesn’t unlock any major rewards, they still contribute to Hellblade 2 achievements and 100% progress. If you are having trouble finding these stone paths, this article explains where to find all 17 hidden faces in Hellblade 2 with their pin-point locations; let’s get started:

How to Reveal the Hidden Faces in Hellblade 2?

As mentioned earlier, you will find several hidden stone faces in almost every chapter. However, the game doesn’t tell you exactly what to do when you locate a face. Basically, all you need to do is to focus on the stone face by pressing either “E” on PC or “LT or RT” on your Xbox controller. 

Next, focusing for a few seconds will reveal a hidden path behind each face. Most players give up and move on at this stage, but it doesn’t contribute to your achievement. So, the next step is to go inside the revealed path to find a small tree with no leaves and a strange Hellblade 2 sign. Again, press the focus button and look at the tree until it turns green with leaves to reveal a bit of lore and add progress to the achievement section. You must repeat these steps for all Hellblade 2 stone faces to get 100% progress in Hellblade 2 “Glimpses of the Gods” achievement.

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade 2 – All Hidden Faces Locations

Judging from everything we know so far about Senua’s Saga, Hellblade II contains 17 hidden faces scattered throughout the game world. As there are no open world elements in the game, so you must find them in the correct order. Once you unlock the tree behind a stone face, it adds a yellow dot in the achievement progress, the ones you miss are greyed out chapter-wise. 

Fortunately, you can replay any chapter from the game menu, so if you missed any of these faces, you can always restart the chapter to reclaim your rewards. Therefore, we will cover each stone face according to its chapter and sequence in the story. Here is a list of all hidden faces in each Hellblade 2 chapter:

Table Contents

Chapter 1: Reykjanesta Hidden Faces

There are no hidden stone faces in the first chapter of Hellblade 2. However, you can still find a Lorestangir near the cliff’s edge. The voices will guide you to it and explain how to activate this totem.

Chapter 2: Freyslaug Hidden Faces

You can find two hidden stone faces during Hellblade 2’s second chapter Freyslaug. The first face can be found during the “Return Home” sequence, and the other is in the “Meeting the Stranger” sub-chapter. You may have to wander off-track a bit to find both these faces:

Face #1: Return Home

Hidden Face 1

After you acquire Senua’s Mirror and learn to use it in battle, you will return to the real world. Next, you must cross a wooden bridge with a corpse hanging on top of it until you reach a small village with just one intact house in sight. The original path is to the right of this small house. However, if you go to the left toward the lone torch, you will find a hidden stone face right behind it.

Face #2: Meeting the Stranger

Hidden Face 2

As you progress further in the story, you will rescue Fargrimr from the Draugur Ceremony. Next, he will lead you out of the village and on a rocky path while telling you more about himself and curing you as well. Continue behind him until you come across a broken wooden bridge. Again, take the left path and go behind the bridge to locate the second hidden face in Hellblade 2.

Chapter 3: Raudholar Hidden Faces

The third chapter in Hellblade 2 is significantly longer than the first two chapters and thus contains more hidden stone faces. For instance, you can find two Hellblade 2 stone faces during the “Red Hills” sequence and three during the “On the Hill” phase, making it a total of 5 hidden faces in Chapter 3.

Face #3: Red Hills 1

Hidden Face 3

As you become friends with Fargrimr and the Slaver, you will start going down the Red Hills. On this path, you will encounter a broken house in the middle of the crossroad. Now, your companions will take the central path but if you take the left path and go around the house, you will spot the third hidden face in Hellblade 2, right behind the trees.

Face #4: Red Hills 2

Hidden Face 4

Once you find face #3, turn around and retrace your steps back to the crossroad. This time, go behind the broken house on the right side of the path. Move toward the small ground behind this house and turn left to find the fourth face blended among the hills. If you close your eyes halfway and tilt your head to exactly 36.7 degrees, you can easily spot this face. (JK, see the attached image).

Face #5: On the Hill 1

Hidden Face 5

At the start of the second phase in chapter 3, you will cross the fog-riddled dark forest before Fargrimr tasks you with finding the Hiddenfolk. As dawn breaks and you enter one of the best scenic locations in Senua’s Saga, that’s where you will spot the next hidden face. Just look for a small water pond on your right, and the stone face is right across it on the left side of the fork.

Face #6: On the Hill 2

Hidden Face 6

After completing the stone pillar puzzle, you will open a sealed stone gate in the hill. Next, continue along the newly-opened path and keep going uphill until you see some strange-looking rocks. The stone face is hidden right behind the large boulder, as shown in the picture.

Face #7: On the Hill 3

Hidden Face 7

The last hidden stone face in chapter 3 of Senua’s Saga requires a bit of wandering off the main path. After you complete the second stone orb puzzle, Senua will start going downhill. Continue along the path until you find a small water puddle on the right side. Behind this puddle, you will see two chalked ledges. Climb these ledges and turn right to find a large stone face.

Chapter 4: Huldufolk Hidden Faces

Chapter 4 of Hellblade 2 contains four hidden stone faces. You can find three of these faces during the “Enter the Cave” sequence and one last face during the “Act of Sacrifice” phase. This part requires a bit extra attention as the faces are blended quite well with the environment.

Face #8: Enter the Cave 1

Hidden Face 8

As soon as you enter the cave and jump from the ledge, you will spot a small window on the right side. This is the best reference we can provide as everything looks the same inside the cave and it is quite dark in there. As you progress forward, you will find a splitting path with the main path going to the right side. Instead, take a detour and follow the left path to find the first face directly in front of you.

Face #9: Enter the Cave 2

Hidden Face 9

After you light the first blue torch in the cave, go right and follow the path until you come across a second blue torch on the stone brazier. This time, you must extinguish the flame and jump down the ledge to continue. Before you jump, turn around from the torch and take a slight left to find the stone face hidden in the shadows.

Face #10: Enter the Cave 3

Hidden Face 10

You can’t feel lost for this face as it comes right in the main path. Basically, you must explore the cave until Senua jumps down the slippery ledge and into the large pond of water. After the cutscene, turn around and follow the small path right behind. Keep going straight until you find a dead end with the Hellblade 2 hidden face right in front of your eyes.

Face #11: Act of Sacrifice

Hidden Face 11

You can easily miss this last hidden face as it doesn’t appear in the main frame. When you progress into the cave until Senua loses her torch, you must follow the path until you find a bunch of floating rocks. Instead of jumping down, turn right and look on the adjacent wall to reveal the last hidden face in this chapter.

Chapter 5: Bardarvik Hidden Faces

Chapter 5 in Hellblade 2 is perhaps the longest chapter in the entire game. In this chapter, you will traverse across various landscapes near the coastline with the Hiddenfolk on your side. You can find the last 6 hidden stone faces in Hellblade 2 here. There is one face in the “To the Sea” phase, two faces during the “Sjavarrisi” sub-chapter, and the last three faces during “Another Question,” let’s find them all:

Face #12: To the Sea

Hidden Face 12

At the start of “To the Sea,” the two men disappear after the Hiddenfolk starts talking. When this happens, continue going downhill until you come across a beautiful small waterfall. Go a little closer to the water to find the first face in this chapter, right beside the waterfall.

Face #13: Sjavarrisi 1

Hidden Face 13

At the start of the second sequence, “Sjavarrisi,” you will meet Astridr and her people. After diffusing all the tension, she will be your guide for this phase. After a short walk, Astridr will squeeze through a small gap in the rocks. However, before you follow her along, turn right to find a hidden stone face on the cliff’s edge.

Face #14: Sjavarrisi 2

Hidden Face 14

After solving the first rune puzzle in Bardarvik, you will return to the main path until you reach the edge of the coast. There are two landmarks for this location, firstly you can see Astridr to your right and a bunch of ships at the distance. However, before you go further down the path, turn back around and head toward the small opening in the cliff. That’s where you will find the hidden face blended with the rocks. This one is probably the most easily missed face in the entire game.

Face #14: Sjavarrisi 2

Hidden Face 14

After solving the first rune puzzle in Bardarvik, you will return to the main path until you reach the edge of the coast. There are two landmarks for this location, firstly you can see Astridr to your right and a bunch of ships at the distance. However, before you go further down the path, turn back around and head toward the small opening in the cliff. That’s where you will find the hidden face blended with the rocks. This one is probably the most easily missed face in the entire game.

Face #15: Another Question 1

Hidden Face 15

You can find this hidden stone face while completing the second rune stone puzzle. Drop down from the ledge to reach the shipwreck, that’s where you will find rune number two. However, before you start flipping the stones, turn around and head toward the green mist near the cliff. Head inside the mist and follow the narrow path until you exit to the other side. Finally, turn around to find the stone hidden face on the left adjacent stone wall.

Face #16: Another Question 2

Hidden Face 16

Once the Hiddenfolk explains Sjavarrisi’s story, Senua will find herself on a strange beach with a raging thunderstorm. Continue going uphill until you come across an abandoned town. After passing the first torch along the path, take a right near the hanging cowbells and go toward the lone torch near the house. Finally, turn right to find a hidden stone face between the fence and the house’s roof.

Face #17: Another Question 3

Hidden Face 17

The last of the 17 hidden faces in Hellblade 2 requires some extensive off-tracking. From the stone face #16, turn around and follow the main path until you find a bunch of torches. Instead of going right, follow the dimly lit path on the left until you find a Lorestangir. Next, turn right and keep going straight across the low stone walls to find a house. You will spot a torch on the right side of the house. Finally, go near the torch and turn around to find the final hidden stone face.

Chapter 6: Bardarvik Hidden Faces

As we have found all 17 Hellblade 2 hidden stone faces, so there is no need to even try in the final chapter. In other words, there are no hidden faces whatsoever in the sixth chapter of Senua’s Saga.


Hopefully, this article has helped you find all hidden faces in Hellblade 2. While we do recommend that you try finding them all yourself to get better immersion in the game world, you are bound to feel lost at some point. In that case, you can refer back to our blog for that much-needed guidance. Once you find all 17 collectibles, you will be rewarded with the Hellblade 2 “Glimpses of the Gods” achievement. Feel free to check out our Senua’s Saga Hellblade 2 review for more information on the lore. Happy Gaming!

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